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                         .. First steps (3) ..

  This chapter includes samples how to work with dB-Tools. You can try the
  same with your own datas.
  I trust that this small indroduction, you gives you a general idea of the
  possibilites of dB-Tools.


  1)  - Switch to the first window with data DEMO1.DBF.

  2)  - With F10 or Alt+F you activate the file-menu.
        Move between the menus with the right or left cursor. Break with
        Esc .

  3)  - Activate utilities-men. with Alt+U uand choose the
        menu point 'Desktop'.
        When choosing "Two Windows". you recive 2 windows on the
        monitor. With tab/shift+tab you can switch, zoom, etc.

  4)  - Choose again  ->One-Window. under desktop (utilities).

  5)  - Switch to the second window with DEMO2.DBF and press  F4. 
        The window and the data will be closed.

  6)  - Press Alt+D and the directly-mode (for Insert/Delete) is
        de-activated. Go to data no.20 with Alt+R .

        -> Press Delete-key The data is marked as erased (delete mark on
           the monitor).

        -> Press Insert-key. The end of this data be insert a new empty

  7)  - Press Alt+M .The insert-directly mode is re-activated.
        Repeat same steps with delete and insert. Watch the difference.

  8)  - Move to field NR.

         Press - (Minus) key and "S" for 'Remove from Screen'. As you
         see the field vanished from the screen (but not from the data).

         Press + (Plus) key and Shift+F2 and choose field NR. By pressing
         enter the field NR will appear again on the monitor.

         Press again - (Minus) key and "F" for remove from file. This
         field is removed from file. This field is removed out of the file
         without loosing the data of the other fields.

         Press + (Plus) key and NUMBER (Fieldname), N (Typ),
         2 (Length).
         Press twice the enter-key or PgDwn and you have a new NR-field

         Move the cursor to field "PROJECT" and press
         Tasten-Kombination Alt+W (width).
         Type 20 and the split (not the fields)is 20 signs big.
         Make a split of 40 signs.

         To finish move with the cursor to NR-field and press Alt+Z
         (freeze). If you move the cursor to right or left, you will see
         that the field NR is frozen.
         With Alt+Z again it returns to normal.

  9)  - Press F1 (help).
        A help window appears with all key-combinations to the programm
        with a short explanation.
        Press Shift+F1 you can write your own help message. With Ctl+W
        (Write) it is stored.

  10) - (If dos-widow is on press esc). Press alt+B(bar) . The
        help balk disappears. (With alt+b you call it again).

  11) - To leave the programm press Esc-key and "y" or Alt+X .

See Also: first steps (1) first steps (2)
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